Results of experiential learning in the planting design education
A total of 82 students of the Bachelor and Master Study Programmes Landscape and Garden Architecture and Biotechnics of Parks and Landscape Arrangements at Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Faculty were addressed in the questionnaire survey.
The return on the electronic questionnaire was 27%, ie. 22 students out of a total of 82 respondents. However, the return value of the survey results is still satisfactory, as the average return on answers from electronic surveys is 33%.
1. My active participation in the Interactive experimental garden has helped me to acquire:
a) managerial skills (the ability to lead a team and make key decisions): 18.2%
b) teamwork skills: 77.3%
c) the ability to be managed by a student´s leader or a sponsor: 45.5%
d) self-confidence in my own abilities and decisions in problem-solving activities: 31.8%
e) real imagination of practical works and their intensity: 86.4%
f) completely new abilities and skills: 31.8%
g) I cannot say: 0.0%
2. How has my participation in the Interactive Experimental Garden influenced my relationship to the profession of a landscape architect?
a) this opportunity has endorsed my decision to become a landscape architect or an engineer: 59.1%
b) this opportunity has had a negative impact on me and I am not interested in the profession of a landscape architect: 4.5%
c) I cannot say: 36.4%
3. Improving standard theoretical education by including practical learning in the Interactive experimental garden means to me:
a) building a positive relationship to the profession of a landscape architect: 72.7%
b) building equal relationships between a teacher and a student: 45.5%
c) building fellowship among students: 50%
d) gaining practical experience and skills at gardening: 95.5%
e) I do not find it appropriate in the university education: 0.0%
f) I cannot say: 0.0%
4. In course of my work in the Interactive Experimental Garden the teacher motivated me in the areas as stated below:
a) the teacher has improved my relationship to plants, which is crucial for a landscape architect: 61.9%
b) the teacher has learned me to be responsible for my work and bear the consequences of my mistakes: 66.7%
c) the teacher has shown me it is great to be part of the team and enjoy achieving joint success: 47.6%
d) the teacher resassured me I have a freedom of opinion and expression: 28.6%
e) the teacher has not motivated me appropriately: 0.0%
f) due to his/her approach, the teacher has absolutely destroyed my interest in the profession of a landscape architect: 0.0%
5. The knowledge, skills and experience I have acquired in course of the project The Interactive Experimental Garden were useful:
a) in gardening works I have performed so far: 31.8%
b) for my further studies at the faculty: 68.2%
c) for my overview and opinions in this field: 54.5%